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Rás Promotion Sponsors

2022-06-18T12:45:18+01:00June 15th, 2022|News, RAS|

Rás Tailteann Event Promotion Sponsors to VisitBlackrock A big thank you to our Event Promotion Sponsors who have donated their time or monies to VisitBlackrock to promote the Rás Tailteann event on Sunday 19th June in Blackrock. There is a significant cost to promoting this event alone and the VisitBlackrock Team are [...]

Cinema On The Sand – 28th Aug

2015-08-25T19:11:57+01:00August 18th, 2015|News|

  This is a FREE open air event from 8:30pm on the beach which is ALCOHOL FREE and FUN. Bring your deck chair and blanket and watch the 40th Anniversary Edition of Stephens Spielbergs “JAWS” on a 23 foot wide screen. This event is suitable for Adults and hot food and drinks will be on [...]