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Hidden Hearing Advert Filmed in Blackrock

2021-04-29T09:24:22+01:00April 29th, 2021|News|

Hidden Hearing Advert features Blackrock The latest "Hidden Hearing" advert was filmed recently with local presenter Harry Lee in Blackrock Village. Harry who has been previously filmed for TV advert which has been played regularly across mainstream Irish TV Channels was once again the focus for this follow up advert. "I was delighted [...]

Choose Blackrock Christmas Campaign Launched

2020-12-17T15:08:40+00:00December 17th, 2020|News|

Choose Blackrock Christmas 2020 Campaign Launched Blackrock Tourism and Development Group have officially launched the #ChooseBlackrock marketing campaign in conjunction with the Digital Bakery. This campaign is aimed at supporting a #shoplocal campaign for Blackrock Businesses this Christmas inviting people to "Choose Blackrock" for excellent food, relaxed shopping and beautiful views. This [...]

Blackrock – Phase 5

2020-10-21T17:53:34+01:00October 21st, 2020|News|

Shop Blackrock In Phase 5 Friends of Blackrock – Blackrock businesses need your continued support. Phase 5 Lockdown means that alot of businesses in the village will temporarily close for 6 weeks as a result of following HSE and Government advice on COVID19 restrictions from midnight tonight. This 2nd closure will be [...]

Culture Night in Blackrock – 18th Sept 2020

2020-09-17T11:31:38+01:00September 17th, 2020|News|

Culture Night in Blackrock Friday 18th September 2020 Friday 18th Sept 2020 is Culture Night all over Ireland and in Blackrock "Rocksalt" will host a night of “Social Distancing" variety entertainment. Starting at 6pm with the Glas Quartet performing from their huge repertoire -  the evening will also have Poet Niamh Hannaford, reciting [...]

Blackrock Virtual St Patricks Day

2020-03-17T14:27:16+00:00March 17th, 2020|News|

Blackrock Virtual St Patricks Day We are sharing photos from previous St Patricks Days in Blackrock as well as photos sent to us from around the village today. Blackrock St Patricks Day 2019 [...]

Ballroom Of Romance

2020-02-14T08:16:16+00:00February 14th, 2020|News|

The Blackrock Pavilion Watch this short clip of local historian Noel Sharkey speak fondly about the Blackrock Ballroom of Romance - The Pavilion which was the focal point of entertainment in the village from 1930's onwards. Noel speaks about his own early romances, the famous bands that played over the [...]

The Price Of A Blackrock Kiss

2020-02-13T13:08:25+00:00February 13th, 2020|News|

Young Girl Sentenced in 1937 for Kiss VALENTINE COUPLES - BEWARE Watch this rare footage from 1937 of Scots woman Julie Clarke who was sentenced to one month in prision for ... kissing her boyfriend in public in Blackrock village. She was sentenced at Dundalk Court as she was caught be [...]

Penguins flock to Blackrock for St. Stephens Day

2019-12-20T16:40:03+00:00December 20th, 2019|News|

Penguins arrive dazed and confused in Blackrock Village The beautiful seaside village of Blackrock Co. Louth has had some new visitors in the form of people sized Penguins of late which is causing quite a stir. Irelands tidiest small town has noticed the appearance of these artic birds in the last week leading [...]

Blackrock Halloween Spooktacular

2015-11-07T11:33:53+00:00October 17th, 2015|News|

Bring all the kids to our BIG SCREEN movie to the Cinema On The Sand where we will be transforming Blackrock beach into a spooky movie set to show an outdoor movie for all the family. FANCY DRESS COMPETITION HOT FOOD STALLS COME DRESSED UP BRING A PUMPKIN Bring your Chair, Blankets and ....costumes along [...]

15th August in Blackrock

2015-08-11T12:07:43+01:00August 11th, 2015|News|

The 15th of August is always a great day to VisitBlackrock as tradtionally it was associated over the years as a "Farmers Holiday" and a time when the farming community come to Blackrock Village for the day. Previous years have seen lots of open air musicians, kids entertainment and food/drink galore. So come along for [...]