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Dillon Corkery Claims First Win

2023-05-20T16:15:31+01:00May 20th, 2023|RAS|

Dillon Corkery of Team Ireland won today’s FBD Insurance sponsored stage 4 after proving fastest in a sprint victory after 175.9km of racing. Second over the line was Finn Crockett of Derry: Foyle CC followed by Matthew Fox of Wheelbase Cabtech Castelli. The general classification remains unchanged as Conor McGoldrick of UK: Trek Richardson continues [...]

Ras – Stage 3

2022-06-18T12:31:37+01:00June 18th, 2022|RAS|

Feeley snatches race lead in style on stage 3 Todays stage incorporated a ceremonial start over the Limerick Greenway, starting at Newcastlewest and emerging at the home of the Ardagh chalice, were the racing proper began. In a two-man sprint to the line, Adam Ward of Team Ireland took FBD Insurance stage winners [...]

10 Days To Go – Ras Tailteann

2022-06-09T11:26:14+01:00June 9th, 2022|News, RAS|

10 Days To Go - Ras Tailteann There are only 10 days to go the prestigious final stage of this years RAS Tailteann which comes to Blackrock, Co. Louth on Sunday 19th June 2022. The 67th edition of the race will again travel clockwise around Ireland with stage finishes in Horse and Jockey, Castleisland, [...]