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Crosscause – All systems go for Rocket Launch

2023-12-22T17:19:25+00:00December 22nd, 2023|News|

OrionAir to Transform Blackrock Beach into Interstellar Launch Pad this Boxing Day Hold onto your holiday hats and get ready for lift-off as OrionAir the new name in aerospace, gear up for a wacky and wonderful rocket launch extravaganza on Blackrock Beach this December 26th. In a move that's part cosmic curiosity, part charitable [...]

St Stephens Day Crosscause Event – RESCHEDULED

2019-12-26T20:30:39+00:00December 26th, 2019|News|

UPDATE - The event is back on Friday 27th Dec 2019 in from 11am in Blackrock, Co. Louth. ___________________________________________________________________ The annual St Stephens Day Crosscause fundraiser in Blackrock has been POSTPONED due to bad weather. “This is typical” said event organiser Conor Hughes. “Its hard enough trying to organise a charity event and raise [...]