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Blackrock businesses preparing for reopening

2021-04-19T13:18:47+01:00April 19th, 2021|News|

Preparations for Summer 2021 #READYTOROCK Blackrock residents and retailers are looking forward to reopening the village community for Summer 2021. Blackrock Tourism and Development Group are recruiting new businesses members who will join forces to promote Blackrock as thee location to dine and shop as COVID restrictions are relaxed soon. "Its been an [...]

Blackrock Phase 3 Reopening

2020-06-26T15:17:40+01:00June 26th, 2020|News|

Phase 3 Reopening Blackrock residents and retailers are further looking forward to Monday 29th June 2020 as Phase 3 of the COVID19 Reopening Plan approaches. Many remaining small businesses who have not yet opened will have the opportunity to open their doors on that date. "We have already seen alot of footfall come [...]

Blackrock – Phase 2 Reopening

2020-06-05T12:04:24+01:00June 4th, 2020|News|

Phase 2 Reopening Blackrock residents and retailers are looking forward to Monday 8th June 2020 as Phase 2 of the COVID19 Reopening Plan approaches. Many small retailers in the village will be able to fully reopen their doors for business subject to social distancing rules. "It has been a long 3 months for [...]