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Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade – Cancellation

2020-03-10T23:01:36+00:00March 10th, 2020|News|

Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade 2020 It is with a heavy heart that we, Blackrock Tourism & Development Group have taken the decision to cancel our parade. We feel it is only wise and responsible to do this given the Government & National Health Authorities advice.  In the interest of the safety of our [...]

BHKCU St Patricks Day Parade 2019

2019-03-17T11:37:41+00:00February 23rd, 2019|News|

BHKCU BLACKROCK ST PATRICKS DAY PARADE 2018 DOWNLOAD THE POSTER Blackrock Tourism and Development Group in conjuction with our main sponsor BHK Credit Union invite registrations for this years Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade which will begin at 3:00pm on Sun 17th March 2019 at Cocklehill. The parade will proceed along the main [...]

Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade Details

2018-03-15T20:50:20+00:00March 15th, 2018|News|

We are planning to have the biggest and best StPatrick's Day parade ever this Saturday 17th 2018 and the details of the event are as follows for participants and attendees. Times The parade will start from Cocklehill, Blackrock at 1:30pm sharp and will proceed through the village past the judges stand and up Sandy Lane. [...]