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2023-09-09T10:55:33+01:00September 9th, 2023|News|

Ukrainian - Music and Fun Night WHAT A NIGHT !!! The Ukrainian Night in Blackrock on Fri 8th Sept we lit up the village with fun, dancing, and music. We are honored to have special guests – our Ukrainian friends living in the locality. Music was provided by Brendan McCahey, Glas Quartet and [...]

Ukrainian Night – Music and Fun

2023-09-07T13:38:10+01:00September 5th, 2023|

MUSIC AND FUN NIGHT Organised by Crosscause Charity Remember the Ukrainian Night in Blackrock from last summer when we lit up the town with fun, dancing, and music? (Check out the video form the event link below) Relive the evening and join us THIS FRIDAY for an even bigger and better event! Come out [...]