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Matthew Fox Wins Again

2023-05-20T16:13:49+01:00May 20th, 2023|RAS|

Matthew Fox of the UK: Wheelbase Cabtech Castelli team won today’s FBD Insurance sponsored stage 3 after again proving fastest in a sprint victory after 149.3km of racing. Second over the line was Dillon Corkery of Team Ireland followed by Finn Crockett of Derry: Foyle CC. The general classification remains unchanged as Conor McGoldrick of [...]

Rás Tailteann 2023 – Stage 2

2023-05-18T16:02:33+01:00May 18th, 2023|RAS|

Matthew Foxes It On Day 2 Matthew Fox of the UK: Wheelbase Cabtech Castelli team won today’s FBD Insurance sponsored stage 2 after sprinting to victory from a much depleted peloton after 154.5km of racing. Second over the line was Patrick O’Loughlin of Team Ireland followed by Matteo Cigala of Carlow: Dan-Morrissey. The general classification [...]