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Blackrock Raft Race

2024-04-26T09:10:14+01:00April 26th, 2024|

Blackrock Raft Race 2024 Sunday 23rd June Sandcastle Competition Busking Competition Limbo Competition Tug-of-War Volleyball The Raft Race Organised By The Blackrock Social Group

Ukrainian Night – Music and Fun

2023-09-07T13:38:10+01:00September 5th, 2023|

MUSIC AND FUN NIGHT Organised by Crosscause Charity Remember the Ukrainian Night in Blackrock from last summer when we lit up the town with fun, dancing, and music? (Check out the video form the event link below) Relive the evening and join us THIS FRIDAY for an even bigger and better event! Come out [...]

15th August Blackrock 2023

2023-08-16T17:50:52+01:00August 12th, 2023|News|

15th August - Farmers Holiday The 15th of August is always a great day to VisitBlackrock as traditionally it was associated over the years as a “Farmers Holiday” and a time when the farming community come to Blackrock Village for the day. Previous years have seen lots of open air musicians, kids entertainment and [...]

National Heritage Week – Blackrock Heritage

2023-08-12T11:08:12+01:00August 12th, 2023|News|

Blackrock Heritage - Audio Interviews Listen back to 5 amazing interviews recorded in Blackrock, Co. Louth covering historic landmarks within the village recorded in conjunction with Blackrock Tidy Towns as part of the Gathering Heritage Project. Visit Gathering Heritage

Mary Stoddart Disaster Anniversary

2023-04-05T18:19:21+01:00April 5th, 2023|News|

In Memory of The Mary Stoddart April 6th each year is the anniversary of the sinking of the Mary Stoddart in 1858. A disaster that has resonated through the ages an example of heroric bravery from the people of Blackrock and surrounding coasts of Dundalk Bay who tried to save the lives of [...]

Uncle Joe could VisitBlackrock in April

2023-04-01T12:28:16+01:00April 1st, 2023|News|

Joe Biden could be visiting Blackrock, Co. Louth Visit to long lost cousin Conor on the cards There are rumours today that President Joe Biden could be paying a visit to Blackrock Village, Co. Louth in April 2023 as part of his historic visit to Ireland to mark the 25th anniversary of [...]

The Rás Of A Lifetime – Blackrock 2022

2022-06-20T09:16:04+01:00June 20th, 2022|News, RAS|

Rás Tailteann 2022 Blackrock Finale Sunday 19th June and the final stage 5 of the 2022 edition of an Rás took the riders take on a 135.3km route from Kinnegad to Blackrock, Dundalk. After 96km of racing, the race took in 4 laps of a testing technical finishing circuit of just under [...]