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Blackrock – Phase 5

2020-10-21T17:53:34+01:00October 21st, 2020|News|

Shop Blackrock In Phase 5 Friends of Blackrock – Blackrock businesses need your continued support. Phase 5 Lockdown means that alot of businesses in the village will temporarily close for 6 weeks as a result of following HSE and Government advice on COVID19 restrictions from midnight tonight. This 2nd closure will be [...]

Support The Blackrock Community

2020-03-12T17:07:59+00:00March 12th, 2020|News|

Blackrock is open for Business Stay Local - Shop Local In light of the Governments decision to close schools, colleges etc to assist with infection control of Covid 19 virus we would like to remind everyone that Blackrock is still open for business. We want to remain open for business into the future [...]