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Dudley Lifeboat Returns to Blackrock

2018-07-18T07:56:37+01:00June 24th, 2018|News|

The General R Dudley Blake Lifeboat made its return on 23rd June 2018 exactly 24 years to the day since it was in Blackrock in 1994 and a whole 109 years since it was commissioned. The homecoming was celebrated through with an escort from the Louth Sub Aqua Club and music from The Samba Band. [...]

Dudley Lifeboat Homecoming

2018-06-22T11:09:26+01:00June 18th, 2018|News|

Kindly Sponsored By BHK Credit Union, Co. Louth Join us to welcome the General R Dudley Blake home This boat has had an amazing journey through history and is making its way home from Hook Head lighthouse in Wexford back to Blackrock Village where it last made a short visit in 1994.  Ownership of the [...]

Save The Dudley Crowdfunder Launched

2018-06-10T18:54:27+01:00June 1st, 2018|News|

Save The General R Dudley Blake Lifeboat Help us to preserve an important piece of Blackrock History The first lifeboat station in Dundalk Bay was established in 1859 following the loss of the Mary Stoddart in 1858. The Life Boathouse was erected by Lord Clermont and from 1859 to 1935 it had four lifeboats with [...]