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Blackrock Raft Race and Family Day

2022-06-02T10:37:06+01:00June 2nd, 2022|News|

Blackrock Raft Race and Family Fun Day Sunday 5th June 2022 Busking Competition Tugawar VolleyBall Competition Sandcastle Competition Race Race Prizes and Music Galore …. Organised by the Blackrock Social Group Email blackrocksocialgroup@gmail.com


2021-04-29T17:08:41+01:00April 29th, 2021|News|

Blackrock Village #READYTOROCK Blackrock Business are getting #READYTOROCK with the announcement by Government outlining the COVID19 Unlock key dates and activities. 10th May 21 Cross Country Travel Blackrock village will welcome visitors from across counties and borders once again to enjoy beautiful views, ice cream, coffee and days on the beach once again. [...]

June Bank Holiday Things To Do

2019-06-01T14:15:03+01:00June 1st, 2019|News|

June Bank Holiday Things To Do Watch the Champions League final between Liverpool and Spurs at 8:00pm on Saturday 1st June in any of the Bars of Blackrock Blow the cobwebs away at 8:30am this Sunday on the weekly Rocksalt Run - open to all ages and abilities this 5km run should [...]