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Blackrock Raft Race & Fun Day

2023-05-30T12:39:44+01:00May 30th, 2023|

Events Of The Day 11:30 - 12:30 - Local Busking Competition Judging 12-3pm - Sandcastles, Tugowar and Volley Ball 12:30pm - Dundalk Brass Band & Rescue Helicopter 1:00 pm - Raft Race 3:00pm - Prizes and Presentation ORGANISED BY THE BLACKROCK SOCIAL GROUP

Blackrock businesses preparing for reopening

2021-04-19T13:18:47+01:00April 19th, 2021|News|

Preparations for Summer 2021 #READYTOROCK Blackrock residents and retailers are looking forward to reopening the village community for Summer 2021. Blackrock Tourism and Development Group are recruiting new businesses members who will join forces to promote Blackrock as thee location to dine and shop as COVID restrictions are relaxed soon. "Its been an [...]

Safety Charter Awarded

2020-08-10T16:16:19+01:00August 10th, 2020|News|

Blackrock Tourism and Development Group Awarded Safety Charter Cert We are delighted to announced that the Blackrock Tourism and Development Group have been awarded the coveted Failte Ireland COVID19 Safety Charter Certification. This award is given to businesses or groups who have completed Failte Irelands online course on COVID19 awareness, cleaning [...]