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The Blackrock Film Festival 2018

2018-08-28T13:11:51+01:00June 28th, 2018|News|

The Blackrock Film Festival 2018 Wednesday 22nd August to Sunday 26th August What better way to give summer a proper send-off than by attending this free, family-friendly event in the charming seaside village of Blackrock in County Louth? The Blackrock Film Festival runs from Wednesday 22nd to Sunday 26th August with five movies screening [...]

Blackrock Film Festival – Aug 31st to Sept 3rd 2017

2017-09-01T12:43:11+01:00July 21st, 2017|News|

The Blackrock Tourism and Development Group are delighted to announce the inaurgual "Blackrock Film Festival" taking place over 4 days from Thursday 31st August to Sunday 3rd Sept 2017 in the village. The festival which is an expansion of the hugely popular "Cinema On The Sand" event which has run on Blackrock Beach for the [...]