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Cinema On The Sand 2019 – Grease

2019-09-17T09:53:16+01:00September 15th, 2019|News|

Grease - Sat 14th Sept 2019 Cinema On The Sand - Grease - Blackrock Beach, Co. Louth, Ireland A big thanks to everyone who help make this years CinemaOnThe Sand movie "Grease" such an enjoyable family friendly event. Thanks to all of our sponsors and to all the people who donated on [...]

Cinema On The Sand 2019 – Grease

2019-09-09T20:38:05+01:00September 8th, 2019|News|

Cinema On The Sand - Sat 14th Sept 2019 Blackrock Beach, Co. Louth, Ireland @ 8:30pm What's Happening ... "Grease" movie on a 23 foot Outdoor screen on Blackrock Beach Red carpet and paparazzi area for photos. Local vendors supplying tasty food and drinks. Fancy Dress Competition - Kids and [...]

Blackrock Film Festival 2019

2019-08-09T11:01:23+01:00July 19th, 2019|News|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Blackrock Film Festival is the perfect quirky event to celebrate the end of the summer holidays. Now in its 4th year the 4 day event takes place in number of cosy venues throughout the charming village of Blackrock starting Thursday 29th August and finishing Sunday 1st September. The festival [...]

Blackrock Film Festival Aug 29 to 1st Sept 2019

2019-07-03T20:42:28+01:00June 20th, 2019|News|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Looking for a film festival with a twist - then the Blackrock Film Festival has everything from a spectacular open air cinema right on the beach to the showing of a 1930s classic in a 100 year old hall. This quirky 4 day film festival is the perfect way [...]

Cinema On The Sand 2018

2018-08-23T14:00:46+01:00August 2nd, 2018|News|

Cinema On The Sand - Friday 24th August 2018 Blackrock Beach, Co. Louth, Ireland @ 8:30pm OUR FACEBOOK EVENT HAS OVER 1000 + People Interested https://www.facebook.com/events/477434672680107/ FEATURING CIRCUS ACT FROM 8:00pm Master of fire fans, fire hula hoop and fire fingers. Stilt walker, juggler and all round Ringmaster. PLUS [...]

Blackrock Film Festival – Aug 31st to Sept 3rd 2017

2017-09-01T12:43:11+01:00July 21st, 2017|News|

The Blackrock Tourism and Development Group are delighted to announce the inaurgual "Blackrock Film Festival" taking place over 4 days from Thursday 31st August to Sunday 3rd Sept 2017 in the village. The festival which is an expansion of the hugely popular "Cinema On The Sand" event which has run on Blackrock Beach for the [...]

Cinema On The Sand – 28th Aug

2015-08-25T19:11:57+01:00August 18th, 2015|News|

  This is a FREE open air event from 8:30pm on the beach which is ALCOHOL FREE and FUN. Bring your deck chair and blanket and watch the 40th Anniversary Edition of Stephens Spielbergs “JAWS” on a 23 foot wide screen. This event is suitable for Adults and hot food and drinks will be on [...]