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Blackrock Film Festival 2019

2019-08-09T11:01:23+01:00July 19th, 2019|News|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Blackrock Film Festival is the perfect quirky event to celebrate the end of the summer holidays. Now in its 4th year the 4 day event takes place in number of cosy venues throughout the charming village of Blackrock starting Thursday 29th August and finishing Sunday 1st September. The festival [...]

Blackrock Film Festival 2019

2019-08-17T09:29:33+01:00July 4th, 2019|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Looking for a film festival with a twist – then the Blackrock Film Festival has everything from a spectacular open air cinema right on the beach to the showing of a 1930s classic in a 100 year old hall. This quirky 4 day film festival is the perfect way [...]

Blackrock Film Festival Aug 29 to 1st Sept 2019

2019-07-03T20:42:28+01:00June 20th, 2019|News|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Looking for a film festival with a twist - then the Blackrock Film Festival has everything from a spectacular open air cinema right on the beach to the showing of a 1930s classic in a 100 year old hall. This quirky 4 day film festival is the perfect way [...]