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Crosscause – All systems go for Rocket Launch

2023-12-22T17:19:25+00:00December 22nd, 2023|News|

OrionAir to Transform Blackrock Beach into Interstellar Launch Pad this Boxing Day Hold onto your holiday hats and get ready for lift-off as OrionAir the new name in aerospace, gear up for a wacky and wonderful rocket launch extravaganza on Blackrock Beach this December 26th. In a move that's part cosmic curiosity, part charitable [...]

Crosscause – St Stephens Day Event

2023-12-13T09:16:49+00:00December 13th, 2023|News|

CROSSCAUSE CHARITY ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP WITH ORIONAIR FOR ROCKET LAUNCH Blackrock, Co. Louth, Ireland - December 26th, 2023 CrossCause Charity is thrilled to announce an exhilarating partnership with OrionAir for an extraordinary Rocket Launch event set to take place on December 26, 2023, in Blackrock, Co. Louth. This pioneering event marks a unique collaboration between [...]

Ukrainian Night – Music and Fun

2023-09-07T13:38:10+01:00September 5th, 2023|

MUSIC AND FUN NIGHT Organised by Crosscause Charity Remember the Ukrainian Night in Blackrock from last summer when we lit up the town with fun, dancing, and music? (Check out the video form the event link below) Relive the evening and join us THIS FRIDAY for an even bigger and better event! Come out [...]

15th August Blackrock 2023

2023-08-16T17:50:52+01:00August 12th, 2023|News|

15th August - Farmers Holiday The 15th of August is always a great day to VisitBlackrock as traditionally it was associated over the years as a “Farmers Holiday” and a time when the farming community come to Blackrock Village for the day. Previous years have seen lots of open air musicians, kids entertainment and [...]