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Culture Night in Blackrock – 18th Sept 2020

2020-09-17T11:31:38+01:00September 17th, 2020|News|

Culture Night in Blackrock Friday 18th September 2020 Friday 18th Sept 2020 is Culture Night all over Ireland and in Blackrock "Rocksalt" will host a night of “Social Distancing" variety entertainment. Starting at 6pm with the Glas Quartet performing from their huge repertoire -  the evening will also have Poet Niamh Hannaford, reciting [...]

Blackrock Virtual St Patricks Day

2020-03-17T14:27:16+00:00March 17th, 2020|News|

Blackrock Virtual St Patricks Day We are sharing photos from previous St Patricks Days in Blackrock as well as photos sent to us from around the village today. Blackrock St Patricks Day 2019 [...]

Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade – Cancellation

2020-03-10T23:01:36+00:00March 10th, 2020|News|

Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade 2020 It is with a heavy heart that we, Blackrock Tourism & Development Group have taken the decision to cancel our parade. We feel it is only wise and responsible to do this given the Government & National Health Authorities advice.  In the interest of the safety of our [...]