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Blackrock Pumpkin Festival 2019

2019-10-28T10:31:17+00:00October 28th, 2019|News|

Blackrock Pumpkin Festival 2019 Ghosts and witches came out to the village on 27th Oct 2019 for the annual "Blackrock Pumpkin Festival" organised by the Blackrock Tourism and Development Group and supported by Louth County Council. This family friendly event attracted over 500 people to the village to place their carved pumpkins around [...]

Blackrock Pumpkin Festival

2019-10-25T15:48:27+01:00October 11th, 2019|

Blackrock Pumpkin Festival As Celtic festival of Samhain approaches marking the beginning of winter and the ‘darker half’ of the year it is also a time when the ‘door’ to the otherworld opens allowing evil spirits, ghouls and creatures to pass through to our world. 12:30pm - 6:30pm - We invite people to place [...]

BFF 2019 – Volunteers Wanted

2019-09-10T19:55:17+01:00August 15th, 2019|News|

VOLUNTEER FOR THE BLACKROCK FILM FESTIVAL 2019 Saturday 14th Sept 2019 We would like your help to grow our Blackrock Film Festival to become something really special in Ireland. We need help from volunteers for a range of activities to make our festival enjoyable for all. [...]

Blackrock Film Festival 2019

2019-08-09T11:01:23+01:00July 19th, 2019|News|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Blackrock Film Festival is the perfect quirky event to celebrate the end of the summer holidays. Now in its 4th year the 4 day event takes place in number of cosy venues throughout the charming village of Blackrock starting Thursday 29th August and finishing Sunday 1st September. The festival [...]

Blackrock Film Festival 2019

2019-08-17T09:29:33+01:00July 4th, 2019|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Looking for a film festival with a twist – then the Blackrock Film Festival has everything from a spectacular open air cinema right on the beach to the showing of a 1930s classic in a 100 year old hall. This quirky 4 day film festival is the perfect way [...]

Blackrock Film Festival Aug 29 to 1st Sept 2019

2019-07-03T20:42:28+01:00June 20th, 2019|News|

Blackrock Film Festival 2019 Looking for a film festival with a twist - then the Blackrock Film Festival has everything from a spectacular open air cinema right on the beach to the showing of a 1930s classic in a 100 year old hall. This quirky 4 day film festival is the perfect way [...]

June Bank Holiday Things To Do

2019-06-01T14:15:03+01:00June 1st, 2019|News|

June Bank Holiday Things To Do Watch the Champions League final between Liverpool and Spurs at 8:00pm on Saturday 1st June in any of the Bars of Blackrock Blow the cobwebs away at 8:30am this Sunday on the weekly Rocksalt Run - open to all ages and abilities this 5km run should [...]

BHKCU St Patricks Day Parade 2019

2019-03-17T11:37:41+00:00February 23rd, 2019|News|

BHKCU BLACKROCK ST PATRICKS DAY PARADE 2018 DOWNLOAD THE POSTER Blackrock Tourism and Development Group in conjuction with our main sponsor BHK Credit Union invite registrations for this years Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade which will begin at 3:00pm on Sun 17th March 2019 at Cocklehill. The parade will proceed along the main [...]