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Blackrock Film Festival 2018 – That’s a wrap

2018-08-31T18:47:44+01:00August 31st, 2018|News|

That's a wrap for this year folks.... The 2018 Blackrock Film Festival has concluded for this year having shown 6 movies in 5 days in 6 very different venues in the village. With a mixture of comedy, classics, musical and cult movies this year there was something for every kind of movie goer. [...]

BOI National Enterprise Town Judging

2018-08-30T15:16:21+01:00August 30th, 2018|News|

A big thanks to all those organisations, businesses and community groups who worked together as "Team Blackrock" to host the judging panel today for the Bank Of Ireland National Enterprise Town Awards 2018. The panel was given a combined presentation in the community centre from Blackrock Tidy Towns, Blackrock Sports and Blackrock Tourism and [...]

Cinema On The Sand 2018

2018-08-23T14:00:46+01:00August 2nd, 2018|News|

Cinema On The Sand - Friday 24th August 2018 Blackrock Beach, Co. Louth, Ireland @ 8:30pm OUR FACEBOOK EVENT HAS OVER 1000 + People Interested https://www.facebook.com/events/477434672680107/ FEATURING CIRCUS ACT FROM 8:00pm Master of fire fans, fire hula hoop and fire fingers. Stilt walker, juggler and all round Ringmaster. PLUS [...]

Blackrock Film Festival Launched

2018-08-07T16:41:20+01:00July 31st, 2018|News|

With just over 3 weeks to go the Blackrock Film Festival 2018 was launched today. The festival takes place from Wednesday 22nd Aug to Sunday 26th Aug 2018 in the seaside village in Co. Louth. There will be 6 movies shown in various venues as well as a Cinema-On-The-Sand beach spectacular on Friday 24th August [...]

The Blackrock Film Festival 2018

2018-08-28T13:11:51+01:00June 28th, 2018|News|

The Blackrock Film Festival 2018 Wednesday 22nd August to Sunday 26th August What better way to give summer a proper send-off than by attending this free, family-friendly event in the charming seaside village of Blackrock in County Louth? The Blackrock Film Festival runs from Wednesday 22nd to Sunday 26th August with five movies screening [...]

St Patricks Day Parade – Winners and Photos

2018-03-19T10:07:51+00:00March 18th, 2018|News|

A big thank you to everyone who came along to the Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade 2018 on a very chilly and windy day. Thankfully a colourful and lively parade based around this years theme of "Coastal Carnival" warmed things up. We had some really creative ideas for floats this year and though everyone who [...]