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15th August 2024

2024-08-15T11:48:21+01:00August 15th, 2024|News|

15th August 2024 Traditionally, one of the busiest days in Blackrock where people have been coming to the village to enjoy the sun, sea and village life. Listen to Gerry Kelly on LATE LUNCH broadcasting Live from The Village Garden from 1:30pm on www.lmfm.ie 

15th August Blackrock 2023

2023-08-16T17:50:52+01:00August 12th, 2023|News|

15th August - Farmers Holiday The 15th of August is always a great day to VisitBlackrock as traditionally it was associated over the years as a “Farmers Holiday” and a time when the farming community come to Blackrock Village for the day. Previous years have seen lots of open air musicians, kids entertainment and [...]

15th August in Blackrock

2015-08-11T12:07:43+01:00August 11th, 2015|News|

The 15th of August is always a great day to VisitBlackrock as tradtionally it was associated over the years as a "Farmers Holiday" and a time when the farming community come to Blackrock Village for the day. Previous years have seen lots of open air musicians, kids entertainment and food/drink galore. So come along for [...]