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Welcome to Blackrock Village

Co. Louth, Ireland on Irelands Ancient East

Enjoy a dip in the Irish Sea, build a sandcastle, enjoy an ice cream on the seafront promenade. Enjoy a cup of traditional Irish tea, wander through our small village shops or read a book. We have some award winning restaurants and bars where you can get a Pint of Guinness or listen to an Irish tune. So from music, to food, to sun, sea and sand – Blackrock Village has everything you need to enjoy you holiday in Ireland.


Blackrock Village to Host “Big Fish” Event for Crosscause Charity on St. Stephen’s Day

Blackrock Village, Co. Louth, will come alive this St. Stephen’s Day with the “Big Fish” charity event, organised annually by Crosscause founder Conor Hughes. [...]

Christmas Tree Lighting 2024

Blackrock and Haggardstown Christmas Tree Lighting Organised by The Blackrock Social Group - Sponsored by Connect Credit Union Blackrock [...]

Pumpkin Festival Photos

Blackrock Pumpkin Festival A big thanks to Blackrock Social group for organising and Connect Credit Union Blackrock for sponsoring this great community event. [...]


Oral Heritage

This project as part of the Gathering Heritage Project – Working to preserve the Heritage of Ireland for future generations



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