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High Angle View of People on Bicycles

Blackrock Village – Sunday 21st May 2023

The Rás Tailteann 2023 five day International Cycling Race around Ireland is crossing the finishing line in Blackrock on Sunday 21st May 2023. This event will be made up of 8 International Teams, 30 National Teams, over 170 professional cyclists and a cavalcade of 44 vehicles consisting of Gardai, support crew, media and marshalls. There will be some traffic restrictions by rolling road blocks on the day but traffic will be able to use the roads when the cavalcade is not on that part of the route.


Stage 5: Monaghan – Blackrock

After a ceremonial start in the centre of Monaghan town, the riders will make their way through the towns of Ballybay, Shercock, Kingscourt, Drumconrath, Ardee, and Castlebellingham before passing onto a slightly tweaked and extended finishing circuit in Blackrock. The riders will complete 4 laps of an 11.1km circuit before they become men of the Rás 2023. Stage 5 also features one cat 3 climb at Meath Hill en route to Blackrock. After last years thrilling finale, more of the same is promised in the beautiful Co. Louth seaside town this time around.

Race Route and Timings – The cyclists will approach the village from approx 2:00pm via the Dublin Road indicated on the map and will circle the route 4 times. The final circuit will be a race to the finish which will be on the main street.

map of RAS 23

Race Updates

Race Enquiries

For enquiries about the RAS please contact

Race Director

Gerry Campbell

Email – info@rasireland.ie

Tel : +353 86 8192205

Web: www.rasireland.ie