A big thank you to everyone who came along to the Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade 2018 on a very chilly and windy day. Thankfully a colourful and lively parade based around this years theme of “Coastal Carnival” warmed things up. We had some really creative ideas for floats this year and though everyone who entered is a winner – the category winners are as follows :

Best Overall Float Blackrock School of Music with their Chinese dragon head & drumming bread sticks.

Best Colourful FloatBlackrock Youth Club with their fantastic sea snakes & creatures.

Best Creative Sound Float  – The Geraldine’s GAA Club with their noisy club heads and sweet throwing open truck float.

Best Impact FloatBlackrock Tourism & Development with their American Tourists & The Village Garden Camper Van & Leprechaun.

Sincere thanks to everyone who took part in the parade in such adverse weather. Thanks also goes to all of the lady judges and MC Kate Smyth who compared from start to finish.  Thanks to all of our hardy event stewards who helped make it fun and safe event with co-operation the local Gardai. Thanks also to Sean Moriarty Transport for supplying the stage for our compare and judges.

Finally – if you enjoyed yesterday and would like to help us to continue with these events – then make a small donation online via the link below to cover the costs. Every penny goes into things like banners, insurance, prizes and lots and lots of other things – so every little helps.

Thanks – The Blackrock Tourism and Event Group. 

Please Donate Whatever You Can! Thanks

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Donation Total: €5.00