Blackrock Tourism and Development Group in conjuction with our main sponsor BHK Credit Union invite registrations for this years Blackrock St Patricks Day Parade which will begin at 3:00pm on Sun 17th March 2019 at Cocklehill. The parade will proceed along the main street and up Sandy Lane where it will dispurse around the Community Centre.

This years theme is to “Keep Blackrock Green”  – so think clean energy, wind & wave, power, recycling and all thing to keep the environment clean and green. As well as going green for St. Patricks Day of course….

Each participant group or float should have alarge a LARGE banner with their title – so we can announed who you are as you pass the main stage.

You must register to be in the parade via the link below and will be required to be at Cocklehill at least 30mins before the start.

This is a great oppertunity to promote your Business, Group, Team or Club so what are you waiting for – get registering.